The Mindful Drinking Blog

Quick Tips: How to Cure Sore Throat After Drinking Alcohol

Quick Tips: How to Cure Sore Throat After Drinking Alcohol

sore throat alcohol

Last Updated on February 14, 2024

We’ve all been there: after a night of revelry and toasting to the good times, we wake up to the harsh reality of a pounding headache, a subtle feeling of dryness and thirst, and a painfully sore throat. It’s a discomfort that prompts the question: “Why does my throat hurt after drinking, and how can I fix it?” 

Fear not, for we have asked our team of healthcare professionals and experts to shed light on this question for you. Get ready on a journey of discovery and relief. 

Understanding The Cause of Your Sore Throat

Causes of A Sore Throat After A Night of Heavy Drinking

Alcohol, for all its social lubrication benefits, can be quite the irritant to your throat. Its dehydrating effects strip away the protective mucus layer, exposing your throat to irritation. Moreover, the acidity in certain alcoholic beverages can aggravate this soreness.

Read More: Learn about the physical effects of drinking too much alcohol

Common Symptoms to Watch Out For

A sore throat might come with scratchiness, difficulty swallowing, and even pain that intensifies when you talk or swallow. Recognizing these signs early can help you manage them more effectively.

Read More: How to avoid and overcome common hangover symptoms

Immediate Relief For A Sore Throat Caused by Alcohol

It can feel frustrating and exhausting to cope with the outcomes from a night of drinking, but these home remedies can provide a lot of relief very quickly. Of course, the best alternative is to always stay mindful, so before your next outing make sure to make a plan and track your drinks (and you can use Sunnyside for that).

Home Remedies

These remedies are quick and effective and include common ingredients you likely already have at home. 

1) Warm Salt Water Gargle

This age-old remedy works wonders. The warmth soothes, while the salt helps kill bacteria and reduce inflammation.

2) Honey, Ginger and Lemon

Mixing honey, ginger and lemon in warm water is not just soothing; it’s healing. Honey has antibacterial properties, and lemon can help cut through mucus buildup. Ginger is also an anti-inflammatory that can reduce swelling in your throat.

3) Herbal Teas

Chamomile, ginger, or even green tea can provide relief with their anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.

4) Lots of Water

Of course, don’t forget to stay hydrated. Check out these tips to stay hydrated during and after a night of drinking. 

5) Use Sunnyside

Sunnyside helps you stay mindful and avoid sore throats entirely from drinking too much alcohol. Reaching out to the coaching team is easy to do by SMS. They will share helpful strategies, as well as proven tips from the community of people working on improving their relationship with alcohol as well.

Over-the-Counter Solutions

For those looking for immediate action, lozenges and pain relievers can offer quick relief. Just be sure to follow the recommended dosages.

Long-Term Solutions to Avoid Negative Side Effects From Drinking


We said it before, but it’s worth repeating. Drinking plenty of water is not just good advice for overall health; it’s essential for healing a sore throat. Keeping hydrated helps replenish the protective mucus layer.

Moderation in Alcohol Consumption

It might not be what you want to hear, but reducing alcohol intake can prevent the recurrence of sore throat post-drinking. Moderation can mean alternating between water and drinking, and practicing mindful drinking habits. 

To get started with moderation, take this 3-minute quiz and create a custom plan to help you cut back on your own terms, without feeling pressured to quit!

Dietary Adjustments

Incorporating foods rich in vitamins and avoiding overly spicy or acidic foods can help maintain throat health.

Read More: Supplements to consider after a night of binge drinking

When to See a Doctor

If your sore throat persists for more than a few days or is accompanied by fever, it’s time to consult a professional.

Prevention Tips

Avoiding Irritants

Stay away from cigarette smoke and polluted environments, as these can exacerbate throat soreness.

Strengthening Immunity

A strong immune system can fend off the bacteria or viruses that might compound your sore throat issues. Learn more about how alcohol impacts your gut here


A sore throat after drinking alcohol can dampen the spirits of any celebration. However, with the right approach to immediate relief, long-term solutions, and preventive measures, you can ensure that your toast to good health is more than just words. Remember, moderation and care for your body are key to enjoying life’s pleasures without the morning-after regrets.


Can alcohol cause a sore throat?

Yes, alcohol can irritate and dehydrate your throat, leading to soreness.

How long does a sore throat from alcohol last?

Typically, it should improve within a few days with proper care. If it doesn’t, see a doctor.

Are certain alcoholic drinks worse for a sore throat?

Highly acidic or sugary drinks can exacerbate throat irritation.

Can drinking water help a sore throat after alcohol?

Absolutely. Staying hydrated helps restore the throat’s natural defence.

Is it okay to drink alcohol with a sore throat?

It’s best to avoid alcohol until your throat has fully healed to prevent further irritation.

What is the best way to practice moderation with alcohol?

Being intentional and having a plan is the best way to stay mindful. Using an app like Sunnyside can help you stay on track and get support from like-minded peers.

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