The Mindful Drinking Blog

Reframe vs. Sunnyside: Which is right for your mindful drinking journey?

Reframe vs. Sunnyside: Which is right for your mindful drinking journey?

reframe vs sunnyside

Last Updated on August 18, 2023

Alcohol health is no longer black and white. The idea that you are either healthy with your consumption, or you have a drinking problem are often the only narratives we hear.

But the reality is that two thirds of the US adult population drinks alcohol, and of those drinkers, 48% want to cut back. Many individuals still consume above the recommended amount specified by the NIAAA. 

So if you’re reading this, you’re probably searching for a way to improve your relationship with alcohol to some degree.  We encourage you to find the solution that’s right for what you need right now. But most likely you’ve heard of both Sunnyside and Reframe. In this article we’ll tell you why we think you should use Sunnyside (that’s us!) and why you might consider Reframe as an alternative. 

It’s important to get a 360 view of your needs, and the value that alcohol health apps like Sunnyside or Reframe can provide for you.

What is an alcohol health app?

Much like any fitness tracking, or diet tracking app, an alcohol health app can help you become more accountable with your consumption. Whether you’re trying to cut back on drinking, or you’re aiming to lose weight, improve your sleep, save some money, or stop entirely, alcohol apps like Sunnyside can help you become more mindful about your relationship with alcohol.

Alcohol apps like Sunnyside and even Reframe are designed to help users monitor, understand, and manage their alcohol consumption and its impact on their overall health.

These apps can be categorized into tracking, education, and support, offering various features to suit individual needs.

Members can benefit from increased awareness, support, and resources to make positive changes in their alcohol consumption habits.

Why would you need an app for alcohol?

Alcohol health apps can help people track their alcohol consumption, bringing awareness to patterns and behaviors around drinking triggers

By planning and tracking your drinking, you can educate yourself on the impact of alcohol on your health, promoting responsible decision-making around alcohol.

Providing support and resources for those looking to reduce or abstain from alcohol, these apps facilitate self-management and empower users.

Apps like Sunnyside can also connect users to a community of like-minded individuals, fostering a sense of belonging and support. 

Many people who choose an app like Sunnyside understand that they probably fall somewhere on the alcohol health spectrum that doesn’t quite require a solution as extreme as AA, but you do understand that there are many health benefits to reducing your consumption.

The Spectrum of Alcohol Health

There is an old way of thinking that alcohol consumption can either be healthy or unhealthy; black or white; good and bad. But as more knowledge is being circulated around what it means to be a “healthy drinker”, the reality is that understanding your relationship with alcohol isn’t as simple as this.

The alcohol health spectrum encompasses the range of factors that can influence an individual’s relationship with alcohol. Consumption, genetics, and lifestyle all play a role in determining one’s alcohol health, but understanding your own habits, patterns and behaviors are also crucial to knowing where you fit, and more importantly, want to fit on the alcohol health spectrum.

Personalized alcohol health management is essential to understanding and addressing the unique needs of each individual. Whether you identify as someone who is a mindful drinker, follows a damp lifestyle, sober-curious, a casual drinker, a binge drinker;  the options are quite vast. 

Our view at Sunnyside is that everyone who drinks alcohol (no matter where they are on the spectrum of alcohol health) can benefit from healthier habits. Drinking more water, drinking lower ABV beers, pacing yourself when you do drink. These (and more!) are all healthy habits that undoubtedly will improve your health. Afterall, drinking less of a harmful substance is better than nothing right?

Also, it’s important to note that at Sunnyside we never condone drinking, but we also don’t judge you based on where you fit on the spectrum of alcohol health. If you’re a light drinker, a mindful drinker, a heavy drinker, or even if you’re having real concerns about your health when related to drinking, we believe that you can benefit from a system like Sunnyside that doesn’t pressure you to quit, but rather takes a holistic look at your goals and helps you achieve them.

If you start to build a healthier relationship with alcohol, then later decide that you want to quit drinking, we fully support your journey. Remember that everyone is different. Where you land on the alcohol health spectrum may change over time, and only you can make the decision about your personal goals and objectives.

Choosing the Right Alcohol Health App for You

In this section, we’ll look at two main alcohol health app options, and cover everything you need to know in order to make the best choice for you that suits your needs. We’ll compare Sunnyside to Reframe in detail, and provide you with real testimonials from customers to help you with your choice.

What is Sunnyside?

Sunnyside is the #1 mindful drinking app, having helped over 175,000 people start building healthier drinking habits without ever pressuring them to quit. 

Our members cut back on their alcohol consumption at their own pace, leading to huge results including better sleep, reduced anxiety, improved productivity, and even saving loads of money. 

In fact, we’re finalizing a formal study that shows Sunnyside members reduce their drinking by an average of 30% after 90 days of use. In addition, we recently ran a qualitative study with our members and found that 21% reported a 75% reduction in consumption, while 35% of members reported a 50% reduction. Sunnyside is truly designed to help you hit your own personal goals and maintain those wins over time.

We celebrate progress of any kind and never pressure our members to quit. Sunnyside is a great solution if you’re looking for a judgment-free community to inspire you to cut back on your drinking, and experience how to enjoy drinking without the feeling of shame. We encourage you to find balance and positivity, and empowerment around why you drink. 

We offer a comprehensive suite of features to help members understand and manage their alcohol consumption including:

  • Personalized recommendations based on user input and data
  • Tracking and monitoring of alcohol consumption patterns
  • Community support through forums and group discussions
  • Educational resources to promote informed decision-making

It’s a combined app and text message service that helps people cut back on their drinking by utilizing planning, tracking, coaching, analytics, and proven behavior-change techniques. 

On average, Sunnyside members reduce their drinking by 30%, cut out 1,500 calories, and save over $50 in their first 30 days, and it only gets better from there.

How much does Sunnyside cost?

Sunnyside cost’s only $8.25/mo when purchased yearly, less than the cost of two fancy drinks (or even one) at the bar.

The cost includes access to all of Sunnyside’s features (listed in detail below). We wanted to keep the cost accessible in order to allow anyone who drinks alcohol to build healthier habits quickly and easily.

Who is Sunnyside for?

Sunnyside is ideal for anyone who drinks and is looking to improve their overall relationship with alcohol. Anyone from casual drinkers looking to monitor their alcohol consumption, individuals seeking to reduce or quit alcohol use, and people interested in improving their overall health and well-being.

Whether you want to cut back on alcohol, or know someone who could benefit from fewer alcoholic beverages, Sunnyside is focused on changing your habits so that you can stay in control of your drinking.

What is Reframe?

Reframe is an alcohol health app that employs a clinical approach to help users quit drinking. The app is focused on sobriety and curriculum based with courses and a high degree of commitment from users. 

The key features of Reframe include:  

  • Personalized coaching to guide users through the recovery process
  • A structured program with exercises to help users develop healthy coping mechanisms
  • Access to a support network of peers and professionals

How much does Reframe cost?

Reframe is available through a subscription-based model, offering various pricing options starting from $24.99 a month and going up to $249.99 a month.

Who is Reframe for?

Reframe is best suited for individuals struggling with heavier alcohol consumption who are looking to quit drinking entirely, people seeking a structured and evidence-based approach to recovery and users looking for personalized support and coaching that is more structured and involved.

What alcohol app is best for you?

To determine the best alcohol health app for your needs, consider your personal goals and the features offered by each app.

Sunnyside and Reframe differ in their features, target audience, and pricing, with Sunnyside catering to a broader range of users and Reframe focusing on sobriety.

Factors to consider when choosing an alcohol health app include user experience, efficacy, the individual’s personal goals and support to reach those goals. 

Below is a more extensive breakdown of which features are available on each tool.

Sunnyside Key Features vs. Reframe Key Features:

Final Thoughts

Overall, if you’re looking for a judgment free approach to cutting back on your alcohol consumption, and you want to learn habit-backed strategies from founders who have had first hand experiences with alcohol related struggles, Sunnyside is the right choice. 

If you require disciplined structure and a more curriculum based approach to quitting drinking, Reframe’s solution could be a good fit for you.

Remember, alcohol health is not just black and white. You can find a place on the spectrum of mindfulness that fits your needs. Sunnyside has the tools you need to cut back and progress in your mindful drinking journey. 

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