The Mindful Drinking Blog

15 Tips to Maximize Success During Dry(ish) January

Dry(ish) January, also known as Damp January, is pretty similar to Dry January. However, instead of going completely dry for the month, participants can set their own goals based on how they wish to improve their drinking habits.

types of drinkers

35 Types of Drinkers: Where Do You Fall on The Alcohol Spectrum?

Whether you drink at pool parties or during night outs with friends—it’s helpful to know what category of drinkers you fall into. In this article, we’ll explore 35 different types of drinkers. We’ll also discuss the definition behind each one and look at some questions you can ask yourself to identify which type of drinker you are.

blog dry january update

Dry January 2024: Everything You Need to Master The Challenge

Dry January is a challenge that brings people together to notice their drinking habits for one month. It’s meant to inspire you to drink less by noticing just how great you feel by the end of the month. Now, a Dry(ish) January is also making headlines as a more inclusive challenge to those not wanting to quit cold turkey.

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