10 Tips for Dealing with Loneliness

dealing with loneliness

Loneliness can be rough for anyone. Research shows that it can trigger anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem, all emotions that people often try to mask by self-medicating with alcohol. If you have been aboard the mindful drinking train in order to cut back on your alcohol intake, loneliness can be potentially derailing. 

6 Ways Mindful Drinking Helps With Hangxiety

avoid hangxiety

When you’re drinking, there’s an influx of the GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), which causes you to feel relaxed and calm. When you stop drinking, you have withdrawal symptoms. Your body gets used to alcohol as a crutch to feel calm. Take it away and anxiety can follow. Add interrupted sleep to the mix, which often happens when people drink to excess, and feelings of depression and anxiety can intensify.

How to Moderate Alcohol After a Bad Day at Work

bad work day

Work-related stress can take a toll on emotional health, contributing to feelings of anxiety and depression. It’s not uncommon to want to turn to alcohol as a way to unwind and forget about the stress of the day. We at Sunnyside understand. A few after-work glasses of work can take the edge off that stress you’re feeling.

10 Things You Can Do Right Now to Battle Cravings At Home

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Here at Sunnyside, we know it can be challenging to resist cravings and temptations. But with the right activities, you can stay on track and feel good about your progress. Here are 10 great suggestions for activities you can do right now to combat cravings for alcohol—without ever leaving your home.